Love Juice is an optional story mission in GTA Vice City, given by Love Fist.
It's the 23° GTA Vice City mission in chronological order, and it becomes available after completing Rub Out.
While this is an optional mission, it is still required for 100% completion of the game.
Tommy assists Love Fist, buying them drugs.
Love Juice: Mission Objectives
- Go and collect the 'Love Juice' ingredients from the dealer.
- Sound the horn.
- Kill the dealer and get the drugs!
- Go and collect Mercedes from her apartment.
- Get the 'Love Juice' and Mercedes to the band before they are needed on stage.
Love Juice: Mission Info
- Mission Number 23
- Mission Type Optional (Side Mission)
- Mission Giver
Love Fist
- Location V-Rock Recording Studio, Downtown
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Required for 100% Yes
- Rewards $2,000
- Unlocked Items
Alloy Wheels of Steel
Psycho Killer
- Featuring
PCJ 600
Jezz Torrent
Kent Paul
Mercedes Cortez
Love Fist