VIP/CEO Work & Challenges are a series of Freemode Missions in GTA Online, associated to the Executive Offices property.
This job has been added to the game as part of the 1.31 Executives and Other Criminals update on December 15, 2015, and is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
This is a Solo or Co-Op mode that can be played by 1 to 4 players.
Complete various free-mode missions to earn an extra buck for your organization
Freemode Missions: Organization Work
Asset Recovery
Steal one or more vehicles from a Police Station and deliver them to the drop-off location.

- Go to Police Station .
- Steal the vehicle (s) .
- Deliver the vehicle (s) to the drop off.
- Help deliver the vehicle (s) to the drop off.
- Lose the Cops.
- Deliver the vehicle (s) to the drop off.
- Organization are delivering the vehicle. Destroy it.
- The vehicle was destroyed
- Failed to deliver any vehicles in time
- Failed to destroy any vehicle (s)
Executive Deathmatch
This VIP Work is similar to One on One Deathmatches, with the main difference being the inclusion of all members of two rival organizations in Executive Deathmatch. The mission can be started anywhere across San Andreas, and when a VIP/CEO does so, they must select a rival organization they would like to challenge, after which they must wait for the rival to accept.

- Player Name is the VIP of Organization Name . Take them out.
- VIP is out of lives
Executive Search
Executive Search is a Hide-and-seek game-mode which can be started by the CEO or VIP of an Organization. It is found in the VIP/CEO Work job list by navigating the Interaction Menu.

- Stay hidden in the search area.
- (if leaving the search area) Return to the search area.
- Your CEO/VIP is being hunted. Protect them.
- Find the VIP of Organization and take them out
- VIP player is the target VIP/CEO . Take them out
- Player eliminated the wanted VIP.
- Organization killed the VIP.
- The wanted VIP left the area before time was up.
- The wanted VIP managed to survive the search.
Hostile Takeover
Retrieve a package from a high security area and deliver it to the drop-off location.

- Go to Los Santos International Airport.
- The courier has the briefcase. Take it from him.
- Collect the briefcase and deliver it to the drop-off.
- Deliver the briefcase to the drop-off.
- Go to the Merryweather Base.
- Collect the briefcase and deliver it to the drop-off.
- Deliver the briefcase to the drop-off.
- Go to the Altruist Camp.
- The cult leader has the briefcase. Take it from him.
- Collect the briefcase and deliver it to the drop-off.
- Deliver the briefcase to the drop-off.
- Go to Fort Zancudo.
- Steal the Rhino and deliver it to the drop-off.
- Deliver the Rhino to the drop-off.
- Time runs out
- Briefcase is delivered by rivals
Piracy Prevention
Defend your Yacht from capture until the time runs out.

- Defend the Yacht's upper deck from attackers.
- Capture the Yacht's upper deck.
- The attackers successfully captured the Yacht.
- Run out of time. Organization successfully defended their Yacht.
Hack the system to reveal packages to collect across Los Santos and Blaine County.

- Use the Sightseer app to find the next package.
- Retrieve the package.
- Player is the VIP/CEO . Protect them.
- Player is the target VIP/CEO . Take them out.
- Run out of time.
- Wasted by another player.
- Player failed to collect all the packages.
- Failed to protect the VIP/CEO.
- Organization collected all the packages
- The rival VIP quit the session
Assassinate all targets before the time runs out.

- Assassinate the targets.
- Assassinate the final target.
- Defend the targets against Organization .
- Defend the last target against Organization .
- Run out of time.
- Organization assassinated targets.
Hook on to a container and fly it to the drop-off location.

- Run out of time.
- Cargobob destroyed.
- Container destroyed.
- The container was delivered.
Collect a trailer and deliver it to the drop-off location.

- Go to Location
- Connect to the trailer.
- Deliver the trailer to the drop-off.
- Organization are delivering a trailer of goods. Steal it.
- Deliver the trailer to the drop-off.
- Run out of time.
- Rivals delivered the trailer.
- Organization delivered the trailer.
Once Plowed is started, a Phantom Wedge will spawn in the vicinity the CEO's location; the player then has 3 minutes to get to the vehicle (which may spawn nearby or several blocks away, depending on where the mission is started). Once an organisation member enters the vehicle, the mission starts. The players have to go to three semi-random locations around San Andreas and destroy three piles of crates in each location. There are eight locations overall - three in Los Santos and five in the countryside. Each set of crates is guarded by enemies and rival players in the lobby are also encouraged to destroy the vehicle.

- Ran out of time.
- Phantom Wedge destroyed.
- Phantom Wedge got stuck.
- Organization destroyed all supplies.
- The rival quit the session.
Fully Loaded
Once Fully Loaded is started, a Ruiner 2000 will spawn at a semi-random location. This mission variant of the car has unlimited rockets, immunity to lock-on by homing missiles, and explosion resistance equivalent to the Nightshark (taking 27 homing missiles or nine RPGs to destroy it).

- The time ran out.
- All Turreted Vehicles destroyed.
- The rival quit the session.
Amphibious Assault
Once Amphibious Assault is started, a Technical Aqua will spawn near the CEO's location. Once a member enters the vehicle, the mission starts. The organization is tasked with destroying supplies.

- Run out of time.
- Technical Aqua destroyed.
- Failed to destroy the Technical Aqua
- The rival quit the session.
Players who own a Wastelander can start the work from the VIP Work Interaction Menu. Once Transporter is started, a Wastelander will spawn near the CEO's position and the players have three minutes to get to it to start the work. Once an organisation member enters the vehicle, the mission starts. The driver is has fifteen minutes to deliver the Wastelander, as well as the vehicle it is carrying, to a specified point on the map, while protecting the vehicle that has been fitted on its trailer. If playing as a defender, the objective is to protect the cargo.

- Ran out of time.
- Wastelander or target vehicle destroyed.
- Failed to destroy the target vehicle .
- The rival quit the session.
Once Fortified is started, an Armored Boxville will spawn near the CEO's location. Once an organisation member enters the vehicle, the mission starts. The players have to protect the Boxville from incoming players destroying it. Occasionally, there will be 4 NPCs that spawn in 2 pairs of Fugitives or Buzzards equipped with Micro SMGs if the session is less populated. The group also has the option to leave the Armored Boxville to defend on foot.

- Vehicle destroyed.
- Ran out of time.
- The rival quit the session.
Once Velocity is started, a Rocket Voltic will spawn near the CEO's location. The organisation is tasked with entering the vehicle. Once an organisation member enters the vehicle, the mission starts. The chosen driver will get locked in and a 15-second startup timer will start counting down and once this timer ends, a bomb will be armed. The driver must keep the car above 60 mph for ten minutes to complete the mission.

- Vehicle destroyed.
- Driver killed.
- Failure to enter the vehicle after 3 minutes before the mission starts.
- Ran out of time.
- The rival quit the session.
Ramped Up
Once Ramped Up is started, one or two Ramp Buggies (depending on the number of members) will spawn near the CEO's location. Once an organisation member enters the vehicle(s), the mission starts. There are also one or two Sanchez bikes spawned nearby.

- Ran out of time.
- Ramp Buggy destroyed.
- Ran out of time.
- The rival quit the session.
The SecuroServ modified vehicle will now self-destruct. Please stand clear.

- Run out of time.
- Organization collected cargo crates.
Freemode Missions: Organization Challenges
Duo Dilligence
Find and collect packages marked with a Flare. While each one collected is worth GTA $100, the player with the most collected Packages wins.
Courier Service
Find and deliver a designated cash bag to a drop-off point while avoiding being hit. Any remaining cash left in the bag at the end becomes the winning score.
Point to Point
Race your associates to find who in the company is the best racing driver. Simple point-to-point race. The race marker must be placed at least one mile away from all of the associates / bodyguards of the organisation.
Most Wanted
Compete to survive a Wanted Level until the time runs out.

- Associate survived for the longest time
- Knocked out of the Challenge
Market Manipulation
Hold up as many stores as possible together with your associates in a time limit. Whoeerever collects the most money wins.
Auto Buyout
Compete to steal and deliver the most high-end vehicles within the time limit.
Cashing Out
Compete to steal the most cash from ATMs within the time limit.
Compete to survive a Wanted Level until the time runs out.

VIP/CEO Work & Challenges: Job Info
- Job Type Freemode Missions
- Associated Property Executive Offices
- Multiplayer Type Solo, Co-Op
- N. of Teams 1 Team (Co-Op)
- N. of Players 1 - 4 players
VIP/CEO Work & Challenges: Release Info
- DLC / Title Update 1.31 Executives and Other Criminals
- Release Date December 15, 2015
- Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One