Jerome is a character that appears as a Soapboxer in Grand Theft Auto V.
Jerome is a soapboxer that can be found outside the South LS Liquor on the corner of Carson Avenue and Dutch London Street in Rancho. He is an African American priest that recites his beliefs, mentioning that people are filthy sinners and that everyone will die a painful and horrible death unless they join him in paradise.
The protagonists cannot interact with Jerome.
Jerome: Character Info
- Role Soapboxer
- Gender Male
- Nationality
United States
- Location Rancho, Los Santos
- Occupation Preacher
- Performer / Actor Chike Johnson
- Playability Director Mode
Jerome: Appearances
- Game Edition
GTA V Story Mode
- Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Jerome: Screenshots