It's now been over six months since Rockstar Games confirmed their move away from providing Red Dead Online with any significant DLC updates. Over these last six months, players have gotten used to recycled bonuses and discounts each month - with the occasional new telegram mission or return of seasonal content.
Here we will discuss what is likely for Red Dead Online in 2023 (HINT: Not a great deal)
Radio Silence
Since Rockstar's announcement in early July, they have said nothing regarding their current view of the state of Red Dead Online and its potential future. With Red Dead Online's last DLC, Blood Money, releasing a huge 18 months ago, no further news from Rockstar certainly isn't good news.
Despite the community's #SaveRedDeadOnline campaign traveling far and wide across the internet - Rockstar clearly didn't feel as if they saw adding updates to Red Dead Online as a viable portion of their future work. The Steam QA database has had no recent updates (updates typically indicate that Rockstar is testing an upcoming DLC) and without any recent news directly from Rockstar, it would sadly be unwise to expect any major DLCs this year.
More of the same
The shift from weekly events to monthly events has become the new norm for Red Dead Online players - 2023 will no doubt see more of the same. Small variations in discounts and rotating bonuses on role payouts, featured series, and the Call to Arms mode, each a month-long, will likely be the closest thing to an update the community receives this year.
Whilst double cash and gold used to excite many players, a lack of new content for the best part of two years has left players with piles of earnings that they have nothing to purchase with. These monthly events are unlikely to draw back long-time players and accelerate new players to the inevitable discovery of a lack of new content being added.
Players should expect a continuation of Red Dead Online's monthly events with role related discounts and bonuses
A glimpse of hope
Fans of telegram missions will be delighted to hear that there are still countless unused voice lines, and therefore telegram missions that Rockstar Games are able to release relatively easily. These missions, alongside potential new Call to Arms and PVP maps are likely the closest to new content we will receive in 2023.
The Christmas and Halloween events of 2022 were undoubtedly the strongest of the year's monthly events featuring a combination of returning content and new location additions to Call to Arms. Perhaps if each monthly event were of the same quality it would make the lack of new content slightly more bearable.
Looking forwards
Ultimately, time will tell what Rockstar Games has planned for Red Dead Online. We're unfortunately not very optimistic, but would happily be proven wrong and see a redeeming year full of exciting new content.
If Rockstar's primary excuse for reducing support for Red Dead Online (to focus on future game development) is genuine - we shouldn't be too far from the release of GTA 6 - where better to stay updated than right here on or our Twitter!