Harriet Davenport appears as a Major Character in Red Dead Online, introduced as part of the 1.20 The Naturalist update on July 28, 2020.

Harriet is a naturalist and preservationist, first seen at the Welcome Center in Strawberry, expressing her disdain for hunting innocent animals. She asks the player to help her study animals, offering to pay them.

She will get mad at the player if they hurt animals, and in the worst case scenario, she will spray the player in the face with hallucinogen spray, causing them to pass out. She will then refuse to do business with the player for a period of time.

Harriet Davenport: Character Info

Harriet Davenport: Appearances

  • Game Edition Game Edition: Red Dead OnlineRed Dead Online
  • Title Update 1.20 The Naturalist
  • Release Date July 28, 2020
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia

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