Three new Hardcore Telegram Missions have been added to Red Dead Online today. These are different from regular Telegram Missions in that enemies are not visible on your mini-map, and you won’t have any aim assistance.
The first of these missions — Good and Dead — sees you assigned to the killing of a target in the heart of Saint Denis. You’ll only be given a description of their last known outfit, so you’ll need to be on high alert. Keep in mind that Josiah will pay you according to how cleanly you can dispose of your mark — avoid alerting him, his gang members, and becoming wanted by the law for maximum rewards.
The second mission, Frontier Justice, concerns the Del Lobos gang’s armed occupation of Armadillo. Apart from a couple of especially guarded areas, though, you’ll be able to move about town quite freely, so long as you’re not letting gunshots off. Freeing the gang’s hostages from their captors will reveal various ways you can further disrupt the gang’s activities and raise general chaos.
In the third new Mission released as part of A Tough Business, Cold Day in Hell, it pays to keep a low profile. A local gang has plans for their next robbery and you’ve been contacted to steal them. If word gets out about the gang and their whereabouts, however, it will place your employers in immediate danger — so you’ve got to move with stealth and cunning. The documents’ contents are so sensitive that the gang leadership’s gotten paranoid and only sent a small group of their numbers to hole themselves up in Colter with hopes that the bitter cold will deter any prying eyes and potential attackers. Rest assured that backup’s stationed at a short distance, though, should they hear any commotion.
50% Extra RDO$ and Role XP on Trader and Moonshine Sales
Complete a Trader and Moonshine Sales and you’ll be rewarded with an extra 50% RDO$ & Role XP through October 4.
Traders and Moonshiners who return to play Red Dead Online this week will also receive a Reward for 25 Trader Goods and a Mash Refill. Traders and Moonshiners who are also members of The Quick Draw Club No. 3 will receive a Reward for a Trader Resupply, and a Reward for 2,000 Moonshiner XP.
Destroying 3 Revenue Agent Roadblocks this week will result in receiving an Offer for 40% off an Established or Distinguished Moonshiner Role Item.
Plus, all Races are paying out 2X XP for the week.
- Horse Care Packages
5 Gold Bars Off
- Butcher Table
- Moonshine Shack
40% Off
- Hunting Wagon
30% Off
- Race Horses
- Stable Stalls
- Trader Cosmetic Role Items
- Moonshine Shack Upgrades & Themes
- Ponchos
Prime Gaming Benefits
Red Dead Online players who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming before October 25 will get a Reward for 40 Capitale and an Offer for half off the Mauser Pistol.