RDR 2 Artwork RedDeadOnline Frontier Pursuits Update

Today, the world of Red Dead Online deepens with the introduction of three new Frontier Pursuits, each presenting their own unique path filled with themed activities for players looking to thrive on the frontier.

Choose to become a Bounty Hunter and hunt down dangerous criminals, partner with Cripps in an entrepreneurial venture to turn their camp into a bustling business as a Trader, unearth treasures both valuable and arcane as a Collector, focusing on one role at a time or all three at once.

In addition to Specialist Roles, today’s update also includes a wide range of new features and gameplay changes to enhance the overall experience:

  • New items, weapons, clothing and horse-drawn vehicles
  • Additional horse breeds
  • Directional damage indicators to display where your character is hit from
  • The ability to change your character’s appearance without resetting progress
  • Expanded custom outfit slots and the ability to name saved outfits
  • Role-specific Free Roam Events
  • Increased selling prices for looted Jewelry
  • Increased movement and animations speeds for more responsive combat (including aiming, cocking and reloading), faster looting and more
  • Additional game balancing and improvements

For more details, check out the Title Update notes here.

Each role has a standard startup cost of 15 Gold Bars to acquire a Bounty Hunter License, Butcher Table or Collector’s Bag. However, it's also possible to unlock each startup item for free

Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club

Players who venture into Red Dead Online anytime between September 10th and November 18th, 2019 will be automatically enrolled in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club. This completely free membership provides new clothing and accessories, a special gun wrap, bonus cash, free care packages, an emote, a new graphic camp flag and more to all participants.

Those looking for even more perks and gear can opt for The Outlaw Pass which, for 35 Gold Bars, offers more rewards over time such as exclusive clothing, weapons stylings, campsite themes, bonus cash, Gold gifts up to 35 Gold Bars and much more. You can find more information about the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club and The Outlaw Pass here.

Ultimate Edition and PS+ Bonuses

RDR2 RedDeadOnline FrontierPursuits 59

In addition to the free Butcher’s Table to get started as a Trader, PlayStation 4 players will also receive the Trader Camp Theme and Weapons Locker both unlocked at Trader Role Rank 5 and free of charge from the Wilderness Outfitters store through October 14th.

PlayStation 4 players will also enjoy early access to the American Foxhound Camp Dog, Shoot The Sky Emote, three new Ability Cards (Gunslinger's Choice, Strength in Numbers and Ride Like The Wind) as well as three new clothing items (the Carrigan Hat, Burnham Boots and Avery Gloves) through October 14th. On top of that, this month’s PlayStation Plus benefit is a free gift of RDO$250 for playing anytime between now and October 7th, 2019.

All Ultimate Edition players will see the RDO$ price waived for two new steeds that are unlocked in the Bounty Hunter’s progression: the sturdy Sorrel Breton and handsome Red Roan Breton.

More to Come

Play Red Dead Online each week for even more new activities such as Legendary Bounties to pick up from Bounty Boards – each with their own sordid stories – and weekly maps with special collectible sets for Madam Nazar, plus all new bonuses, gifts and incentives coming in the weeks ahead.

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