About two weeks ago we launched MyBase, a new interactive system that allows you to keep track and showcase to the world all the Properties and Vehicles you own in GTA Online.
We received an overwhelming positive reception, and we made a lot of improvements following your feedback and suggestions.
Today we are happy to announce the addition of a brand new feature that was frequently requested: the ability to upload a custom image for each of your vehicles to show off your exact version of your customized vehicle!
MyBase Update 1.2 Changelog:
This is not the only thing that's new - as we also made more updates and improvements to MyBase throughout the past few days:
- Added the ability to optionally upload your own custom images for your vehicles
- This feature allows you to show off the exact version of your customized vehicle instead of showing the stock default image of a vehicle.
- The image upload can be done from a PC or from a mobile device when the screen orientation is horizontal (there was no way to make the image upload system fit the narrow vertical screen!)
- Added the ability to enter special custom note for properties: Apartments / Garages, Executive Office, Nightclub, Arena Workshop, Casino Penthouse.
- This feature can be useful to give a label / nickname to certain Properties or Garages where you store a specific style of vehicles (eg. "Luxury Cars")
- Added the ability to enter a link to your Rockstar Social Club profile
- Revamped and improved the whole edit layout of the "My Vehicles & Properties" Editing page
- Various improvements made to the layout of the final output of Vehicles & Properties in the User Profile Page
- Various other miscellaneous improvements
What is MyBase
Whether you just want to keep a private record to help remember where you stored each of your vehicles, or whether you want to boast with your friends and publicly show off all the wealth you were able to acquire in-game, with "MyBase" you can do just that!
You can quickly register and log into your own profile, and immediately jump into editing your Properties and Garage by using the "Edit Garages" link at the top of the website.
MyBase allows you to easily share with your friends and with the world how you organize your life in-game and your way of playing GTA Online, exhibiting all the vehicles and properties you own. And if you still don't have some vehicles but you've set your sights on them, you can also note them down thanks to a dedicated "My Wishlist" section.
Your "MyBase" also lets you to set your profile to Public or Private, to enter and change your profile information at any time.
You are able to customize your Display Name, Bio and Profile Image, optionally add links to your Social Media profiles and to your Gaming Accounts (PSN ID, Xbox Live and Steam), and much more.
We are very happy you're enjoying the system and finding it useful, as we received over 2500 user registrations and a fantastic response.
Feel free to continue sending us links to your profiles on Twitter at @GTABase and we will be happy to Retweet them! And of course, feel free to tell us if you have any more suggestions or option you would like to see added to "MyBase".
Stay tuned for plenty more profile features to come in the future, such as the ability to enter your personal Horses in Red Dead Redemption 2, Weapons and much more.
Register Now and Access Your Garage!