The Ocean View Hotel is a Safehouse property that can be obtained in GTA Vice City.
It's a Beachfront Hotel located in Ocean Beach, with no space to store any vehicle.
How to get the Ocean View Hotel:
The Ocean View Hotel in GTA Vice City is available from the beginning of the game, and is unlocked automatically (for free).
As a safe house, you can save your game progress at this location.
This is one of the three "main" safehouses for Tommy (along with Vercetti Estate and Hyman Condo), as it serves as a spawn location for weapons acquired through hidden packages
It allows you to change clothes via the outfit pickups located in Tommy's hotel room on the second floor.
Property Information
- Property Type Safehouse
- Property Style Beachfront Hotel
- Location Ocean Beach
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Occupant Characters Tommy Vercetti
- Notes Main Safehouse (include clothes pickup and weapons).
Ocean View Hotel: Appearances
- Appearances in Story Missions: