The Speeder is a Boat featured in GTA San Andreas.

The design of the Speeder in GTA San Andreas is based on a real-life Haines Signature 1700S. The top speed of the Speeder is 118.06 mph (190.00 km/h).

This vehicle cannot be customized.

This vehicle also appears in GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto V, GTA Vice City, GTA 3, GTA Vice City Stories and GTA Liberty City Stories.

Speeder: GTA SA Vehicle Stats

  • Vehicle Class Boats
  • Modifications Cannot be modified
  • Monetary Value $30,000
  • Top Speed (Game Files) 118.06 mph (190.00 km/h)
  • Based on (Real Life) Haines Signature 1700S
  • Engine Type Petrol
  • Engine Placement Inboard
  • Mass / Weight 2,200 KG

Speeder: GTA SA Appearances

  • Speeder Spawn Locations in GTA San Andreas

    Where to find the Speeder in GTA San Andreas:
    • Docked by a pier east of the Garver Bridge, across the Easter Basin Naval Station
    • West of Jizzy's Pleasure Domes, in San Fierro
    • Behind the safehouse in Fort Carson
    • Waters of Sherman Reservoir, north of the red bridge
    • Santa Maria Beach, San Andreas Sound and San Fierro Bay
  • Appearances in Story Missions:
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