Freedom Flies is a main story mission in GTA Advance, performed by protagonist Mike.

It's the 41° GTA Advance mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Shoreside Vale.

Mike finds himself surrounded by police but a tank appears for his use. With a 6-star wanted level, he drives the nearly indestructible tank to Francis International Airport, blasting through police barricades along the way. Upon reaching the airport, a cutscene plays. Mike boards a plane, leaving Liberty City behind. He reflects on the losses and betrayals he's experienced: Jonnie and Cisco are dead, and 8-Ball is arrested. The plane takes off, destined for Colombia. Mission accomplished.

Freedom Flies: Mission Objectives

  • Get in the Tank. (Player's choice)
  • Make your way to the Francis International Airport.

Freedom Flies: Mission Info

  • Mission Number 41
  • Mission Giver Mike
  • Location Warehouse in Cedar Grove, Shoreside Vale
  • State / Area Shoreside Vale
  • Available After Mission (Story Mode)
  • Rewards $40,000

Freedom Flies: Video Walkthrough

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