The Borgnine Taxi is one of the Service Cars vehicles featured in GTA 3.
The design of the Borgnine Taxi in GTA 3 is based on a real-life Checker Taxi. The top speed of the Borgnine Taxi is 118.06 mph (190.00 km/h).
The Borgnine is a modified Cabbie with a red body and bloody spikes on the front and rear bumpers.
Borgnine Taxi: GTA III Vehicle Stats
- Vehicle Class Service, Cars
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
Taxi Driver (Side Mission)
- Monetary Value $10,000
- Top Speed (Game Files) 118.06 mph (190.00 km/h)
- Based on (Real Life) Checker Taxi
- Engine Type Petrol
- Engine Placement Front
- Mass / Weight 1,900 KG
- Drive Train AWD
- Gears 4
Borgnine Taxi: GTA III Appearances
Borgnine Taxi Spawn Locations in GTA 3
Where to find the Borgnine Taxi in GTA 3:- Found at the Borgnine Taxis Company in Harwood, Portland Island after completing 100 taxi fares.
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