In The Crosshairs is a main story mission in , given by Ray Bulgarin.
It's the 23° TBoGT mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Broker / Dukes.
Luis escapes Bulgarin's ambush after discovering his betrayal and his confession about the diamonds.
- This is the only time a decapitation is seen in the HD Universe.
- If Luis is carrying a parachute, it will be lost when confronting Bulgarin's men, most likely to prevent the mission from being completed too easily by simply jumping from the building with it.
100% Completion Requirements
The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain 100% completion in the mission "In The Crosshairs":
- Complete the mission in 4:30
- Take less than 40% damage
- Kill 10 enemies via headshots
- Have 60% accuracy
- Four sniper rifle shots were used to kill the four snipers (one for each)
Note: You can complete each requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough.
In The Crosshairs: Mission Objectives
- Go to the building and protect Timur.
- Take out the snipers.
- More assassins have arrived. Find a way off the roof.
- Leave the area.
In The Crosshairs: Mission Info
- Mission Number 23
- Mission Giver
Ray Bulgarin
- Location Bulgarin's House, Meadow Hills
- State / Area Broker / Dukes
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
Not So Fast (The Ballad of Gay Tony)Dropping In (The Ballad of Gay Tony)
- Rewards $6000
- Unlocked Items
Ladies Half Price
- Featuring
Advanced MG
Ray Bulgarin
Bulgarin Mafiya