Departure Time is a main story mission in , given by Gay Tony Prince.
It's the 26° TBoGT mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Algonquin.
Luis finishes Ray Bulgarin off.
- If the player kills Bulgarin with other method instead of the execution with a handgun, the cutscene will be reduced to Bulgarin dropping the safety pin of the grenade.
- After this mission, both Tony and Mori's numbers will be removed from Luis' phone.
100% Completion Requirements
The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain 100% completion in the mission "Departure Time":
- Complete the mission in under 10:00
- Take less than 50% damage
- Kill 25 enemies via headshots
- Have 70% Accuracy
Note: You can complete each requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough.
Departure Time: Mission Objectives
- Go to Crockett Ave.
- Go into Funland.
- Destroy the heroin.
- Destroy the remaining heroin shipment.
- Take out Timur and get to the airport in 2 hours.
- Get on the bike.
- Get to Dukes Expressway.
- Follow Yusuf to the airport.
- Chase after The Blue Ghawar jet.
- Take out Bulgarin's men.
- Execute Bulgarin.
- Go to the Dukes Monoglobe.
Departure Time: Mission Info
- Mission Number 26
- Mission Giver
Gay Tony Prince
- Location Tony's Apartment, Little Italy
- State / Area Algonquin
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
Party's Over (The Ballad of Gay Tony)
- Rewards $10,000; Buzzard
- Featuring
Bati Custom
Advanced MG
Dimitri Rascalov
Gay Tony Prince
Ray Bulgarin
Yusuf Amir
Bulgarin Mafiya