The Lake Sturgeon is a Medium-sized fish featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
It's not required for the "Zoologist" and "Skin Deep" Achievements.
Lake Sturgeon Details & Location:
Lake Sturgeon are large, strong, bottom-feeding fish that dwell in the deeper waters of some Southern lakes and swamps. They can be tempted to bite by man-made Lake Lures. Lake Sturgeon are known to be more active during overcast weather. A huge Legendary Lake Sturgeon is rumored to have been spotted around the Lannahechee River delta.
Lake Sturgeon Fishing Tips:
Using a Lake Lure will increase your chances of a successful catch
Map Location - Lake Sturgeon
Where to find the Lake Sturgeon in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Map Location / Habitat:
The Lake Sturgeon is Found in Lakes in the South Region, or in Swamps (Lemoyne), preferably with Overcast Weather.

Lake Sturgeon Info
- Animal Species Lake Sturgeon
- Animal Class Fish
- Animal Family Acipenseridae
- Size Medium
- Location Found in Lakes in the South Region, or in Swamps (Lemoyne), preferably with Overcast Weather
- Hunting Can be fished
- Required for Achievement No
- Scientific Name Acipenser Fulvescens
Lake Sturgeon Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online,
RDR 2 Story Mode