Track Down Two Legendary Animals in Red Dead Online

Legendary Red Streak Coyote has been spotted around Pike's Basin, and is known for stalking the rocky cliffs and barren floor of the canyon.

Also, the Legendary Midnight Paw Coyote has also been brazenly roaming the lands southeast of Strawberry. With unique yellow eyes and black fur, it is easily distinguished from the more common coyotes in the area.

Harriet is eager to learn more about these mysterious animals, so study the creatures and bring the samples back to her storefront to earn prompt payment and gain XP for the Naturalist Role. If you've been feeling the chills of the long nights out on the open plains, however, Gus will gladly aid you in turning these unique pelts into clothing.

Gus’ Trapper Store

These two Legendary Animals allow for the crafting of the Red Streak and Midnight Paw Coats, both of which should turn heads as you celebrate your triumphs at the Smithfield Saloon. The Babin Hat will also become available should you turn in the requisite materials.

To sweeten the deal, craft either of these new Legendary Coyote Coats before August 18th to receive an additional Reward for a free Coat of your choice.

New Additions

New items have been permanently added to the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue, including:

  • Molina Blouse
  • Corrales Shirt
  • Hinxman Hat
  • Filera Hat
  • Penstock Pants
  • Daventry Jacket
  • Blackgrave Coat

Bonuses, Offers & Rewards

Players who track and hunt down all of the Legendary Animals requested so far in Harriet's Sighting Missions will receive a reward for a free Horse ranked 40 or below.

Bounty Hunters and Traders also stand to make a pretty penny, thanks to a 50% bonus RDO$ payouts until August 18th. Meanwhile, those looking to pick up either of these pursuits can take 5 Gold Bars off the cost of both the Butcher Table and the Bounty Hunter License, as well as 30% off all Bounty Hunter and Trader Outfits, Horses, Weapon Skins, the Bounty Wagon and Hunting Wagons, and all Rifles (except the Elephant Rifle).

If you haven’t jumped into Red Dead Online yet, play before September 21st to receive the following one-time gifts, and be sure to check the Benefits section frequently for new Offers and Rewards:
  • Offer for 30% off any Novice or Promising Item in the Naturalist Role
  • Reward for Free Sedative Varmint Cartridges
  • Offer for 30% off a Revolver
  • Reward for 2,000 Naturalist XP
  • Reward for a Free Legendary Animal Pheromone
  • Reward for a Free Ability Card

Becoming a Naturalist and studying wild fauna in their home environment is a reward unto itself, but there are plenty of other perks, including the following one-time gifts:

  • Become a Naturalist and get a Reward for a free Role Accessory, Outfit or Emote
  • Tranquilize and sample any animal and get the Gila Monster Camp Flag
  • Complete an Animal Sighting Mission and get a Reward for a unique colorway of the Farnholme Double Bandolier
  • Purchase a Wilderness Camp and get a Reward for a Treasure Map
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