Earn 50% more RDO$ & Role XP by completing any Legendary Bounty Mission this week in Red Dead Online.

And newcomers who get their Bounty License to become a Bounty Hunter between July 14th and 27th will receive a RDO$200 Reward, plus all Bounty Hunters who rank up once will get an extra RDO$100 Reward. Veterans who already maxed out their Bounty Hunter ranking will receive a Treasure Map and 10 sticks of Volatile Dynamite.

Discounted Content In-Game

  • Leather Duster
  • Bison Duster Coat
  • Tempest Coat
  • Sheep's Wool Jacket
  • Hagen Coat
  • Torranca Coat
  • Dunaway Coat
  • Ballard Jacket
  • Durham Coat
  • Finley Jacket
  • Cinched Jacket
  • Riggs Fringe Coat

Twitch Prime

Link your Social Club and Twitch Prime accounts and claim your benefits on Twitch Prime to get RDO$1,000 and more within 72 hours of claiming your benefits. Head to the Benefits section to claim your Offers and Rewards:

  • Offer for 5 Gold Bars off the Butcher Table which starts the Trader Role
  • Rewards for 6,000 Trader XP
  • Offer for 40% off a Horse
  • Offer for 40% off a Stable Slot
  • Offer for 40% off a Shotgun
  • 50 Incendiary Buckshot Slugs
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