Ever imagined a Red Dead Online with endless possibilities? Want to be a lawman or a postman or even a bank robber? You've got it! Want to own your own ranch or live in a Saint Denis mansion? That's possible too.
Red Dead roleplay is on the rise and at the forefront sits RedM - the RDO equivalent to FiveM, GTA 5's widely popular roleplay server host. The likes of BayAreaBuggs, one of the most prominent figures in FiveM role play, have even turned to roleplay with RedM in recent weeks, amassing very impressive viewing figures - especially when you consider the current state of Red Dead Online...
We took the time to ask popular content creator AustinBMX about his very own role-play server, the Dakota River Bend, and how he views Red Dead role-play and RedM as a way forward for the community.
(Disclaimer: All photos used in this article are playable content taken within The Dakota River Bend server!)
An introduction to Red Dead Roleplay
Johnny - GTABase:
First things first, what exactly are Red Dead role-play servers?
Red Dead Role Play servers are a PC mod that run off the RedM Client on top of Red Dead Redemption 2. They are much like FiveM and NoPixel that have been running with GTA for a few years. They run a modified version on Red Dead on dedicated servers for a specific community.
Johnny - GTABase:
As you mentioned, your server, the Dakota River Bend, is run on the RedM platform - the Red Dead counterpart to FiveM, the highly popular GTA role-play server host. What do you think the significance of FiveM is when considering how long GTAV and GTAO have remained so popular and relevant?
In my opinion, FiveM and other modded servers are the only reason GTAO has any relevance in 2022. In my recent video, I outlined how we can see an insurgence of viewership on Twitch when major development happens on the platform, the same can’t be said when Rockstar drops content.
This is not a sure indication of popularity but in the digital world we live in, streaming popularity has a large influence on games and content we are all interested in.
The Dakota River Bend
Johnny - GTABase:
On that note, let's talk more about your role-play server now... How would you best describe the experience you aim to provide within the Dakota River Bend?
The Dakota River Bend (DRB) is not what many would consider your “typical RP server”. Most roleplay servers have been created strictly in favor of roleplay, which means applying a lot of strict roleplay-oriented rules.
At DRB we look to build a community based online environment that naturally creates RP as players get comfortable with the idea. We have some evolving guidelines that focus on core roleplay rules, without getting too complex for new players.
We want to promote a healthy and interactive gameplay environment for players of all experience levels at the end of the day.
Johnny - GTABase:
What has your approach been to producing content for the server?
Being a day one RDO player and content creator, I have a lot of knowledge and experience on what people have enjoyed about RDO and what they wish to see from it.
Using this information we have tried from the beginning to set up an immersive world that allows you to create your own story, by setting up functions and gameplay that promotes teamwork and comradery. Its been a huge learning curve as well.
I looked at my first line of code in October 2021 and now can write a lot of functions and bring these ideas to life. We have a fantastic team both on the Community Side in Discord and the Development Side that really helps to make this Server come to life every day.
Johnny - GTABase:
One of the key criticisms Rockstar Games faces with Red Dead Online is the fact that the majority of community feedback seems to be ignored - do fan-made role-play servers enable better tailoring of content for all to enjoy?
As I have mentioned in both this interview as well as my recent showcase video, the greatest thing about the RedM platform it’s the ability to create such different user experiences.
You want a movie drama serious RP based in 1898 experience? You got it. You want a 1907 industrial coming of age experience? Yep its there. You want an Outlaw driven Cops and Robbers experience? Sure no problem. Even a playground server full of mods to walk around as a talking alligator and complete an Undead Nightmares mission? Ya that’s available.
And being in a community for these servers definitely helps drive where they are going. We try to listen to our community a lot with direct discord communication, its easy to have a one-on-one conversation with someone about a problem or idea. Of course there are A LOT of ideas that are great, just unrealistic or unattainable within the system we currently have, but we try to take all feedback and suggestions into account when developing new content and systems for a great end user experience.
Johnny - GTABase:
What do you see as the future of the Dakota River Bend?
I see the future of the DRB open for anything. We are hoping to showcase that RedM is not just for Serious RP, and that others have a place to join and enjoy custom content with the comfort of knowing there is not a hacker or griefer just around the corner. We want to create a safe place to play and interact with other like minded players of this immersive world that just want a place to feel welcome.
You know when you are playing Red Dead Online and there is a daily challenge to skin a spoonbill and you have been looking for hours? Then out of nowhere a random player shows up in the swamp with a spoonbill on their horse and drops it in front of you. You both wave, or even say thanks and go about your daily play. That’s the community we want to build and watch thrive.
"We are hoping to showcase that RedM is not just for Serious RP, and that others have a place to join and enjoy custom content with the comfort of knowing there is not a hacker or griefer just around the corner"
AustinBMX in regards to his server, The Dakota River Bend
Red Dead Roleplay: The future?
Johnny - GTABase:
How optimistic are you thinking forwards with role-play in Red Dead when looking at the success of FiveM for GTA that you've mentioned?
The success of FiveM for GTA has been highly effective because of the base model of GTA and the vast amount of content that can be created in that environment.
Red Dead being a western genre game, is a bit different in this aspect but has a ton of potential. I hope to show that the RedM platform is not just for serious roleplay servers.
Though these servers are great and I enjoy their content, there are so many more players out there looking for some sort of alternative to Red Dead Online in 2022. As new servers continue to be created and launched the ceiling can be consistently raised to provide this type of content for the community.
Johnny - GTABase:
Rockstar Games have now confirmed the inevitable in that they are almost entirely abandoning the future development of Red Dead Online - do you see role-play hosted on RedM as a way to maintain player interest and to forge a legacy for a game that is valued by so many?
Oh most definitely, I recently looked into this trend and I can say that Red Dead popularity is on the rise from recent months and this surely is not to do with anything Rockstar has done.
Twitch has seen a steady growth of both streamers and viewers enjoying Red Dead content and 90% of this is all RedM content.
Red Dead Redemption 2, the game, has seen a steady increase of 20+% viewership over the last 4 months with this creating some awareness in the streaming world creating opportunities for the game to be shared on a larger scale.
There have always been larger content creators that sometimes check out the game and this creates a mass spike in views – but we are seeing the monthly average increase as well so these viewers and sticking around to enjoy more content.
This in turn allows RedM to continue to provide a platform on which to create content based on this consumption and demand that will ultimately allow Red Dead to live on and create an identity in the gaming community.
A Land of Opportunities
It's clear that roleplay servers like Austin's have now cemented their place in the future of Red Dead.
Following Rockstar Games' recent announcement of its shift away from providing large content updates to Red Dead Online, the demand within the community for enjoying new activities is only set to rise - role-play servers hosted by RedM are going to provide that in bucket-loads.
What strikes me most is the willingness for these servers to engage with the communities that use them - at his core, Austin is simply a fan of the game and wants to provide an environment that fellow fans of the game will be able to enjoy.
It's exciting to see where the world of Red Dead roleplay goes; in my opinion, the only way is up...
For more information regarding AustinBMX's server and Red Dead RP, check the Dakota River bend, and see what RedM is up to!