The Broker Safehouse is a Safehouse property that can be obtained in Grand Theft Auto IV.
It's a Low-end Apartment located in Mohawk Ave and Bart St, Hove Beach (Broker), and it has space to store 2 vehicles.
How to get the Broker Safehouse:
The Broker Safehouse in Grand Theft Auto IV is available from the beginning of the game, and is unlocked automatically (for free).
As a safe house, you can save your game progress at this location.
During the mission Roman's Sorrow, the apartment is burnt down and so it becomes inaccessible. However, the parking space can still be used to store vehicles.
Property Information
- Game Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV
- Property Type Safehouse
- Property Style Low-end Apartment
- Location Mohawk Ave and Bart St, Hove Beach (Broker)
- State / Area Broker / Dukes
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Occupant Characters
Niko Bellic
- Vehicles Capacity 2
- Notes Unavailable after Roman's Sorrow, though the parking space can still be used..