On this page you can find the full list of Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats, and how to unlock and activate all the RDR2 Cheat Codes on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

There is a total of 37 cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2, giving you the ability to restore your Health, have infinite Dead Eye and Stamina, get all weapons, own all outfits, increase or decrease Honor, remove your wanted level, spawn horses and wagons, and much more. There is also a RDR2 money cheat.

However, Red Dead 2 cheats can only be used temporarily and just for fun, as they don't allow you to progress through the game: Using cheat codes in Red Dead 2 will prevent you from saving your single-player progress and will temporarily disable Achievements and Trophies. You will have to close the game and re-open it to resume your normal progress.

How to Enter Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats for PS4, Xbox One & PC

The Red Dead 2 cheats are code phrases that you enter in the Pause Menu. A few cheats require to first be unlocked during the game before you can activate them - you can unlock additional RDR2 cheat codes by purchasing Newspapers from newspaper vendors as you progress through the story.

Follow these steps to enter cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2:

  • Open the Pause Menu, click on Settings
  • Press Triangle (on PlayStation 4) or Y (on Xbox One) to enter the RDR2 Cheats List menu
  • Now press again Triangle/Y to enter one of the Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats from the list below.

Once a cheat is entered and added to the RDR2 Cheats List, you can now toggle it on at any time by enabling it from the same menu.

It's a good idea to first enter and unlock all the Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats you plan to use and save the game before activating them, so you won't have to re-enter them again in the future.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes

Full List of RDR2 Cheats (PS4, Xbox One & PC):

Enter one of the following Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes to activate the corresponding cheat. The majority of the RDR2 cheats can be entered at any point, but 8 of them require to be first unlocked with the prerequisites listed below.

Note: the Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats ARE NOT case sensitive, but they do REQUIRE the correct commas and punctuation.

Maximum Health, Stamina & Dead Eye Bars

Refills all bars for health, stamina, and dead eye.

Cheat Code: "You flourish before you die"

Increase Health, Stamina & Dead Eye Bar Levels

Increase stat bars.

Cheat Code: "Seek all the bounty of this place"

Fortify Health, Stamina & Dead Eye Bars

Refill and Fortify all of your bars

Cheat Code: "You Seek More Than The World Offers"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the Chapter 6 mission The King's Son.

RDR2 Weapons Cheat: Simple Weapons

Grants a loadout of basic weapons (Cattleman Revolver, Lancaster Repeater, and Springfield Rifle).

Cheat Code: "A simple life, a beautiful death"

RDR2 Weapons Cheat: Heavy Weapons

Adds Heavy weapons to your inventory (Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol).

Cheat Code: "Greed is American Virtue"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Get newspaper after completing the Chapter 3 mission Advertising, the New American Art

RDR2 Weapons Cheat: Stealth Weapons

Grants a loadout of stealth weaponry (Machete, Throwing, Improved, and Poison Knives, Tomahawks, Homing Tomahawks).

Cheat Code: "Death is silence"

RDR2 Weapons Cheat: Gunslinger Weapons

Grants loadout of Gunslinger weapons (Off-hand holster, Double-Action revolver, Schofield Revolver, Double-Barreled Shotgun)

Cheat Code: "History is written by fools"

Infinite Ammo

Grants infinite ammo supply.

Cheat Code: "Abundance is the dullest desire"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: New Hanover Gazette No. 27, purchased in Valentine during Chapter 1

RDR2 Money Cheat: Add $500

Adds $500

Cheat Code: "Greed is now a virtue"

Increase Wanted Level

Increases your current wanted rating

Cheat Code: "You want punishment"

Decrease Wanted Level

Reduces your current wanted rating.

Cheat Code: "You want freedom"

Clear All Bounties and Lockdown Areas

Eliminates current wanted status and bounties in towns across the world.

Cheat Code: "You want everyone to go away"

Fog of War

Reveals the entire map.

Cheat Code: "You Long for Sight but See Nothing"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase newspaper after completing the Chapter 3 mission Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern.

Own All Outfits

Unlocks all outfits in Arthur's wardrobe.

Cheat Code: "Vanity. All is vanity"

Learn All Recipes

Learn All Craft-able Recipes

Cheat Code: "Eat of Knowledge"

Purchase All Camp Upgrades

Unlocks all ledger upgrades and increases max supply levels.

Cheat Code: "Share"

High Honor

Raises Honor rating.

Cheat Code: "Virtue Unearned is not virtue"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase a newspaper after completing the Chapter 4 mission Urban Pleasures.

Decrease Honor

Sets honor to the minimum amount.

Cheat Code: "You revel in your disgrace, I see"

Reset Honor

Activating resets your Honor meter to neutral.

Cheat Code: "Balance. All is balance"

Increase Horse Bonding

Increases your bonding with all owned horses

Cheat Code: "My kingdom is a horse"

Increase Horse Whistle Range

You can call your horse from any distance.

Cheat Code: "Better than my dog"

Infinite Stamina

Unlimited stamina reserve

Cheat Code: "The lucky be strong evermore"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase a newspaper after completing Chapter 5

Infinite Dead Eye

Unlimited Dead Eye reserve

Cheat Code: "Be greedy only for foresight"

Set Dead Eye Level (Level 1)

Allows you to set your level of Dead Eye skill to Rank 1 (You can auto-paint targets in Dead Eye)

Cheat Code: "Guide me better"

Set Dead Eye Level (Level 2)

Allows you to set your level of Dead Eye skill to Rank 2 (Mark targets in Dead Eye)

Cheat Code: "Make me better"

Set Dead Eye Level (Level 3)

Allows you to set your level of Dead Eye skill to Rank 3 (You can remain in Dead Eye after firing your weapon).

Cheat Code: "I shall be better"

Set Dead Eye Level (Level 4)

Allows you to set your level of Dead Eye skill to Rank 4 (highlights fatal areas while in Dead Eye targeting)

Cheat Code: "I still seek more"

Set Dead Eye Level (Level 5)

Allows you to set your level of Dead Eye skill to Rank 5 (highlights fatal and critical hit areas while in Dead Eye targeting)

Cheat Code: "I seek and I find"


Instantly makes you drunk.

Cheat Code: "A fool on command"

RDR2 Cheats to Spawn Horses & Wagons

Create Race Horse

Spawns a race horse.

Cheat Code: "Run! Run! Run!"

Create War Horse

Spawns a War Horse.

Cheat Code: "You are a beast built for war"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the events of the Epilogue.

Create Superior Horse

Spawns a Rose Grey Bay Arabian Horse

Cheat Code: "You want more than you have"

Create Random Horse

Spawns a horse of randomized breed and coat

Cheat Code: "You want something new"

Create Stagecoach

Spawns a stagecoach

Cheat Code: "The best of the old ways"

Create Wagon

Spawns a wagon with one horse.

Cheat Code: "Keep your dreams simple"

Create Circus Wagon

Spawns a circus wagon.

Cheat Code: "Would you be happier as a clown?"

Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the events of the Epilogue.

Create Buggy

Spawns a horse with a cart.

Cheat Code: "Keep your dreams light"

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats Video

Below you find a video that shows all the available Red Dead 2 Cheat Codes in action.

This was the full list of Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, we hope you found it useful and that you enjoy your time with these RDR2 cheat codes!

For more guides on Red Dead Redemption 2 visit our complete RDR2 Section, including the Wildlife Database, Horses Database, Weapons Database, and more.

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