Celebrate Independence this week in Red Dead Online. Get 30% Bonus Cash & XP on all Free Roam Missions along with new Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue additions, including the "Respectful Bow" Emote. Keep reading below...

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Weapons Discounts & Indipendence Bonuses

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Gun Oils are free of charge, also take advantage of 30% off all weapons components, including Improved Rifling to increase velocity and range, Iron Sights and Scopes for better accuracy, Stocks with various wood grains and Wraps to preserve your weapon from use and weather. The Evans Repeater for 25% off this week, plus take advantage of 50% off Red, White and Blue bandanas, plus free Red and Blue camp flags, through the 8th of July.

30% Bonus RDO$ & XP on all Free Roam Missions

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This week, earn 30% more RDO$ and XP for all Free Roam Missions.

Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue Additions

New "Respectful Bow" Emote

Purchase the Respectful Bow emote for free from the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue for this week only.

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