Suggestion Sheet 01
Every week, we will compile a 10 point list of features and ideas that we and the community would like to see in Red Dead Online. Be it gameplay features, customisation options, side activities and more. Each week, we will ask the community to vote/say what they would like to see online in-game, and you can send in your suggestions for Red Dead Online to us either in the comments section of each Suggestion Sheet that we post, or send us a tweet or comment on our social channels Facebook or Twitter - and we'll add 1 from the community as a Bonus suggestion. For the first in the series, we're keeping it fairly basic.
Note: all ideas listed are just ideas and suggestions. None are officially in the Red Dead Redemption 2 game nor are affiliated with Rockstar Games.
- Character Customisation
- Friendly and Hardcore Free Roam Lobbies
- Higher Posse max limit (8 players per posse was the max in Red Dead Redemption)
- Private lobby/session controls, (power to force kick rouge players from your private session)
- A Legend Rank Level system (as seen in RDR)
- The ability to purchase our own/multiple Safe Houses/Stables across the world
- Competitive Multiplayer modes: Gang Matches (as seen in RDR)
- Bounty hunting
- Wildlife presence
- Ability to hunt wildlife and sell kills for $