The Übermacht Rebla GTS is a SUVs vehicle that will be featured in Grand Theft Auto VI.
This vehicle also appears in GTA Online.
The Rebla GTS has been confirmed to appear in GTA 6 as it was seen in the first official trailer of the game.
The design of the Übermacht Rebla GTS in GTA 6 is based on a real life Fourth generation BMW X5.
Rebla GTS: GTA 6 Vehicle Info
- Vehicle Class SUVs
- Manufacturer Übermacht
- Top Speed - Game Files 97.87 mph (157.50 km/h)
- Based on (Real Life) Fourth generation BMW X5
- Users Rating 1.7 of 5 (7 Votes)
- Seats 4
- Mass / Weight 2,185 KG
- Drive Train AWD
- Gears 8
- Model ID rebla
Rebla GTS Description:
Here you are again, stuck in the commute, bricked in with all the other SUVs. How much time have you spent here? Weeks? Months? Years? Screw it. Stamp the gas, ram the traffic and take to the hills. You're free. Free from the system. Of course, you're too cowardly for that. But one day you'll snap and you'll be glad you have the reliable Rebla GTS to speed you away from reality.
- Game Edition GTA Online
- Release Date December 12, 2019
Import/Export Mission
- Auto Shop Service
Rebla GTS: GTA 6 Screenshots
Coming soon.
Rebla GTS: GTA V Screenshots