The 634 Boulevard Del Perro is one of the Low-End Garages properties available in GTA Online, located in Rockford Hills, North Los Santos.

The property comes with storage space for 2 vehicles.

How to buy the 634 Boulevard Del Perro in GTA Online:

The 634 Boulevard Del Perro can be purchased from Dynasty 8 Real Estate for a price of $33,500.

2-Car Garage - If you‘re feeling the pinch of the economic downturn but desperate for a prime Rockford Hills address, this garage on Boulevard Del Perro might be the perfect compromise!

Garages allow to store either 2, 6, or 10 personal vehicles depending on the tier (Low-End, Medium and High-End). They also act as a limited safehouse, as they have radio and TV, and can be set as spawn location, but don't allow to sleep, shower or change clothes.

Property Information

Map Location: 634 Boulevard Del Perro

634 Boulevard Del Perro - Map Location in GTA Online

Release Information

  • Game Edition Game Edition: GTA OnlineGTA Online
  • DLC / Title Update
  • Release Date October 1, 2013
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Low-End Garage Interior

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