Just yesterday the legendary Duo Tenacious-D released a brand-new song called "Video Games" and it also makes a specific reference to Red Dead Redemption 2: "...RDR2 is not a game, it's an incredible journey through old American history..."

Enjoy the song!

 Here's the lyrics:

Are you plugged in?
Alright, ready?
1, 2… a 1, 2, 3…
I don’t play video games no more, I never play video games
Except for a little bit of God of War, I never play video games
Maybe a once in a while, a little bit of Fallout 4
But that’s okay, not right now, I got things to do
‘Cause I don’t play video games no more, never play video games
But Red Dead Redemption 2, that is not a game
It’s an incredible journey through old American history
Fighting for your life and fighting for your family
Try to live your days with honor and integrity
That’s not a game, that’s an adult thing
That’s not a game at all, that’s like fuckin’ Shakespeare
Free gee, tee dee dee, tee dee dee, tee dee dee, tee dee dee, tee dee dee, tee dee…
You know I don’t play video games no more, tiny bit of video game
I guess I still play fuckin’ video game, yee haw
That it, that’s the one
It’s on the album
As you may know Jack Black is a huge fan of video games (as well as being a great musician and actor) so it's no a surprise that he's back in the saddle with this Country song, paying homage to video games and specifically to Red Dead Redemption 2 too!
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