GTA Online: Lowriders is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC as an automatic update. This latest addition to GTA Online features Benny's Original Motor Works, the hottest vehicle customization garage in Los Santos. Located in Strawberry, just south of the Olympic Freeway, Benny's specializes in custom Lowrider modifications for select vehicles including two brand new rides – the Declasse Moonbeam van, which allows for two-handed weapons to be fired from the back doors, and the Willard Faction, as well as four classics already in-game.

GTAOnline 13008 Lowriders VoodooCustom
Another satisfied customer exiting Benny’s Original Motor Works.

Any of these six select vehicles can be customized to the hilt inside and out, with Hydraulics, Engines, Steering Wheels, Rims, Tires, Gear Shift Levers, Horns, Bobbleheads, rear window Plaques, Vanity Plates & Plate Holders, Soundsystem Mods, custom Paint Jobs and much more. For just a taste of what Benny's has to offer, check out yesterday's video.

GTAOnline 13010 Lowriders Lamar Emperor
Enlist your friends and Crewmates to help Lamar take on the Ballas and Vagos.

Meanwhile, Lamar is hatching a scheme to become the ruler of Los Santos’ Lowrider scene, and needs some loyal subjects to help put him on the throne. To do so, you’ll be taking on the biggest gangs in the city through a mix of subterfuge, skill and pure firepower. Keep an ear out for Lamar’s phone calls and tackle eight new Contact Missions charting his quest for power.

Fresh arrivals at Ammu-Nation include the rapid fire Machine Pistol and the devastating Machete. While you're there, why not pick up newly available luxury weapon finishes for a selection of existing weapons including the Special Carbine and Assault SMG. You’ll also notice that Ammu-Nation has reorganized to make room for all the new weaponry.


  • Keep the Pace – Stay above a minimum speed while racing around courses littered with jumps and obstacles. If you slow down too much, you’ll explode.
  • Offense Defense – Teams of two split into Runners and Protectors. Runners aim to be the first to get to the end of a route. Protectors, in faster and more powerful vehicles, must block and run opposing Runners off the road, while protecting their Runner from the other teams.
  • Relay – A team Race in which players take turns, each completing a lap before tagging a teammate. Non-active drivers wait in the pen to be tagged, while active drivers complete a lap for their team.

Expand your property portfolio up to a maximum of four Apartments or Garages. There's never been a better time to purchase that extra space to store all these new custom Lowriders – and from now through this Sunday October 25th, Dynasty 8 is offering a one-time 25% REBATE on your next qualified purchase of a property with a 10-car garage. Qualifying is easy – just have your email address verified with the Social Club, be on the Rockstar Mailing List and be a member of any Social Club Crew. To fulfill the requirements, login to your Social Club profile – and if you're already qualified, just purchase any property with a 10-car garage.

GTAOnline 13009 Lowriders BuccaneerCustom
It’s all in the details – customize your rides from bumper to bumper and everything in between.

The Scene Creator is a brand new feature added to the Rockstar Editor's Director Mode, enabling you to create custom settings for capturing your Rockstar Editor clips. Select from over 200 available props (including explosives) and position them to create the perfect backdrop. You can also save up to four scenes so you can reuse them whenever you like.


  • New clothing, hair, tattoos and accessories: Dozens of new options to match your new Lowriders.
  • Personal Vehicle Remote: You can now use the Player Interaction Menu to remotely open your trunk, doors or hood to show off your new rides. You can also turn on the engine, lights and the radio all while standing outside admiring your vehicle.
  • Freemode Weapon pickups: 200 separate weapon pickups are now scattered across Los Santos and Blaine County. Keep an eye out for them as you roam through Freemode.
  • Changes to Performance Mod Unlocks: Performance mods are now more accessible and unlock by rank, as well as via Race wins.
  • Destroy Last Place: A new option has been added to Races, upping the stakes for those in the back of the pack. The host can set it to be effective each lap, every 15 seconds, every 30 seconds or every 60 seconds – and the player in last will be blown up at the corresponding interval.
  • Extra Weapons in the Creator: All previously released weapons that are not restricted by time-limited events will now be available for use in the Creator tool.
  • Quick Ammo Restock Option: Quickly refill your ammo directly from the Player Interaction Menu. Quickly add rounds to any weapon, or max out your ammo for that weapon type.
  • Pearlescent Crew Color: New paint options for Crew members in the Mod Shop.
  • New Player Actions: Three new player actions will be available via the Player Interaction Menu: Chicken, Chin Brush and No Way.
  • Updated PC Mouse Control Options: An option has been added to the Settings Menu to allow players to swap between Roll/Pitch and Yaw/Pitch mouse flying control types.

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