Most Wanted is a Showdown Mode in Red Dead Online.

This is a PVP mode that can be played by 2 to 32 players. You have an unlimited amount of lives.

A tactical race to the top. Every kill pushes you up the scoreboard, but watch out: the closer to the top you are, the more points everyone else gets for killing you.

Most Wanted Tips:

  • The leading player is always blipped with their points value displayed on the map. If you need to make up some serious ground, try to take them out for the highest possible points total.
  • However, sometimes it pays to avoid the rush. You'll often see other players sprinting towards the highest value target - for a few easy points, hang back and pick these players off while their focus is elsewhere.
  • If you're leading the pack and players are headed your way, try and draw them into a bottleneck such as a building entryway so they're forced to fight each other.

Most Wanted: Job Details

Most Wanted: Release Details

Most Wanted: Locations

This game mode can take place in the following map locations / variations:

Saint Denis

Tall Trees

Thieves Landing




Coming soon.

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